9 records found


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# Cat.ReferenceTitleYear
1 Books1-9204250 Societies : complete list of subscription editions of recorded music : under the auspices of...-
2 Books1-9501213 Catalogue of choral works : performed by societies affiliated to the National Federation of...-
3 Books1-9800020 Music, Closed Societies and Football / Hans Keller1986
4 Books1-00050295 Film : the magazine of the Federation of Film Societies-
5 ArchBBA/BRITISH_FED_FILM_SOCSCorrespondence from Benjamin Britten to British Federation of Film Societies1975
6 ArchBBA/BRITISH_FED_MUSIC_SOCSCorrespondence to Benjamin Britten from British Federation of Music Societies1966
7 ArchBBA/FEDERATION_OF_FILM_SOCIETIESCorrespondence between Benjamin Britten and the Federation of British Film Societies1957
8 ArchBBA/NATIONAL_FEDERATION_MUSIC_SOCIETIESCorrespondence between Benjamin Britten and National Federation of Music Societies1961
9 ArchHOL/2/16/26Societies1975