Archive - PHPN/5/7

Photographs of a production of Curlew River at the Convent in Bronnbach

11 Component Record(s)
Level Ref. Title Date
Item PHPN/5/7/1 Photograph of the Church at Bronnbach Convent 1995
Item PHPN/5/7/2 Production photograph of Curlew River, The Ferryman 1995
Item PHPN/5/7/3 Production photograph of Curlew River, The Traveller 1995
Item PHPN/5/7/4 Production photograph of Curlew River, The Madwoman 1995
Item PHPN/5/7/5 Production photograph of Curlew River, The Madwoman cradles her imagined baby 1995
Item PHPN/5/7/6 Production photograph of Curlew River, The Ferryman taunts The Madwoman 1995
Item PHPN/5/7/7 Production photograph of Curlew River, All mock The Madwoman 1995
Item PHPN/5/7/8 Production photograph of Curlew River, The Ferryman urges The Madwoman to board 1995
Item PHPN/5/7/9 Production photograph of Curlew River, The Ferryman pushes the boat out from the shore 1995
Item PHPN/5/7/10 Production photograph of Curlew River, The Ferryman begins his story 1995
Item PHPN/5/7/11 Production photograph of Curlew River, The Madwoman's question 1995